************************************************* * * * Program Info File: Window Data FinderV1.0 * * * ************************************************* AUTHOR: Charles H Fisher Jr Window Wizard Software 1306 Richmond Road Edmond, OK 73034 Copyright: Charles H Fisher 1996 Edmond, OK Type: Programming Utility, Shareware US$9.00 Sytem requirements: 386 processor or higher, Windows 3.1 or higher, DOS 5 or higher Version: 1.0 To Register: 1. Mail the fee to the above address and you will receive the codes by return mail (or EMAIL if you prefer). 2. click once in the list window of the main window; press control-R, the registration window will appear; fill in the code boxes and press "register"; that's it. Description: Window Data Finder is a helpful utilitie used for determining the class data and window data of any top level or child window of a running task. This info is required when trying to hook into another program with a utility program add on of your own design. Just double click the empty list window or press the "Find 'em" button and the program will search out all the top level windows. Double clicking any window name in the list will search for its child windows, or use the "Children" button. The list is in tree format of parent-child-grandchild. Highlighting a window name and then pressing "ClassData" will open a new window with the class data info registered for that type window. The most important parts are the window title, class name, and the program that launched this window. If there is any class-extra or window-extra data, the byte count will show and the "show" button will become active, allowing an additional window with this information to be displayed. Installing: Unzip the files into any directory of your choice. Install Window Data Finder into any program group you like ( see your Windows User Guide for information on how to do this ). Guarantees: The author gives a limited warantee on the software such that if it is damaged and you send me a blank disk, I will return a current copy of the software. Otherwise the author gives no guarantee of performance and takes no liability for the use or non-use of this product. I have done all I can to insure that this software runs properly on a normal computer platform. Updates: If you have any ideas for changes or additions to the program you can EMAIL the author at wizard@telepath.com, or CompuServe: Charles Fisher 73407,3667.